
Indian Innovations in Space Technology

In order to inculcate interest among the students in particular and public in general, Regional Science Centre (RSC) Calicut organised a number of webinars on various topics of scientific interest. One of them was ‘Indian Innovations in Space Technology’.

The intensity of an experience often cannot be measured by the duration of it. One evening, reply to one question, one word of encouragement or even one sentence that sets you in the path of course correction, can change you forever. one might have nurtured a dream to join ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organization, one could have fancied strongly to build a launch vehicle that really takes satellites into orbits, one have probably thought of making a new communication satellite for our country – and what happens when one meet a person face to face who has done all that in life? Exciting to be the least, illuminating to be precise and life-changing probably.

"In the Live session with Dr. Somanath the participant opportunity to meet the person, who spearheaded the PSLV vehicle and project, who is the prime designer and Project Director for GSLV Mk III, who Lead the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) and now leads the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC). "

Video Link of WEBINAR