
img Planetarium Show

The Regional Science Centre and Planetarium Calicut is equipped with a 230 seater 15.3 m Dome Hybrid Planetarium system that can project Full-dome multimedia content on space, universe, astronomy, science and other topical themes. But we believe that the best astronomical learning and experience can be provided only when an instructor demystifies the information overload that the sky is.

Due to COVID SoP , the number of seats per show in planetarium is resticted to 115 So, on prior booking for schools or any special interest group we arrange specialinteractive astronomy shows. The shows are normally in Malayalam. But on request we may arrange shows in English for a group of more than 30 individuals. Everyday, we have four regular shows for the Full-dome projection. As of now, we are showing the film The Realm of Light. The Realm of Light Realm of Light - a brief History of Life is an amazing and inspiring journey through time and space, telling the story of life and its evolution from the Big Bang until the modern age of man.

Realm of Light is a fulldome show about the origin of life, the marvel of nature and significance of the human mind. Our continuous effort is to present the best of Full-dome Movies from the International Edutainment Repository. Realm of Light is one of the best among them. Awards: Best Use of Dome (Domefest, USA) Best Immersion (Immersive Film Festival, Portugal) Excellence Award (Fulldome Festival, Germany) Best Movie (International Planetarium Movie Festival, South Korea) Best Soundtrack (Immersive Film Festival 2011, Portugal)

The Magic of Night Sky

Our Solar System