RSCP Calicut organised a short introductory online lecture series on ‘Positional Astronomy & Stellar Spectra’ for College students based on request by some colleges. It consisted of 14 lectures mainly on positional astronomy and stellar spectra. Astronomical phenomena like Eclipses, Occultations, Transits and 'Glimpses of history of Astronomy’ were also covered in this programme.
Student Status: Studying B Sc Physics
"RSCP Calicut organised a short introductory online lecture series on ‘Positional Astronomy & Stellar Spectra’ for College students based on request by some colleges. It consisted of 14 lectures mainly on positional astronomy and stellar spectra. Astronomical phenomena like Eclipses, Occultations, Transits and 'Glimpses of history of Astronomy’ were also covered in this programme."
Platform: Google Class Room
Requirement: Google account. Common link for the class was provided.
Teaching Faculty:
Manash Bagchi (MB)
Jayant Ganguly (JG)
Reference Text Books:
1. Astronomy; K K Dey; Book Syndicate (P) Ltd
2. Astronomy - A Beginners Guide to the Universe; Eric Chaisdon, Steve McMillan, Pearson Education
3. An Introduction to Astrophysics; Baidyanath Basu; Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd.
Recorded video links
Day 1 [JG]:
{Topic: Celestial Sphere - An Introduction}
Day 2 [JG]:
{Topic: Celestial Coordinate System - Part 1}
Day 3 [JG]:
{Topic: Celestial Coordinate System - Part 2}
Day 4 [JG]:
{Topic: Drawing a Celestial Sphere for a particular date and time}}
Day 5 [JG]:
{Topic: Introduction to Spherical Trigonometry}
Day 6 [MB]:
{Topic: Sources of Error: Atmospheric Refraction}
Day 7 [MB]:
{Topic: Sources of Error: Parallax}
Day 8 [MB]:
{Topic: Sources of Error: Aberration}
Day 9 [JG]:
{Topic: Application of Spherical Trigonometry to Celestial Sphere | Transformation of coordinate system}
Day 10 [MB]:
{Topic: Sources of Error: Precession and Nutation}
Day 11[JG]:
{Topic: Astronomical Scales}
Day 12 [MB]:
{Topic: Stellar Spectra and HR diagram}
Day 13 [JG]:
{Topic: Eclipses,Transit and Occultation}
Day 14 [JG]:
{Topic: Glimpses of History of Astronomy}